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May 2008 Board Notes


The actions taken at the Annual Membership meeting were reported to the Board of Directors.  As of April 24, 2008, there were 3,064 active UHPA members.  The quorum requirement is 10% or 306 active UHPA members.  The results of the vote taken to repeal UHPA’s Constitution as announced at the Annual Membership meeting:  419 or 89.7% in favor of the repeal; 48 or 10.3% against the repeal.  A total of 467 valid ballots were received.  The Constitution was declared repealed.

The results of the vote on the Resolutions to amend and
restate the Articles of Incorporation and to amend and restate the
Bylaws of UHPA taken at the Annual Membership meeting were reported.  Active
UHPA members were given the option to cast their vote by way of proxy
or to complete a written ballot at the annual meeting.  UHPA received 395 proxy votes and 1 written ballot vote.  Of
these, 364 or 92.15% voted in favor of the resolutions (included blank
votes), 31 or 7.85% voted against the resolution (included any
abstentions), and there was 1 spoiled ballot.  The
Resolutions on the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation and
the Amended and Restated Bylaws of UHPA were declared approved.  They
would become effective upon the filing of Articles of Amendment with
the State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.



As a result of the Resolutions that passed at the Annual
Membership meeting, the election of officers and approval of membership
of the Executive Committee needed to be acted upon by the Board.  President
Chernisky conducted the nominations and elections process since new
committees and charters for those committees had not yet been confirmed
by the Board.  Additionally, there would not be an
election for the Office of President since President Chernisky was
still serving his initial two-year term.  Lengthy
discussion ensued on the procedures for the election of officers,
specifically to vote by a show of hands versus voting by secret ballot.  Directors passed a motion to
approve the recommended nominations and elections procedure with
amendments to vote by secret ballot and that the nominees may remain
present during the discussion

The following officers were elected by the Board of Directors.  Their terms begin immediately and they serve for one year or until their successors are elected.

Vice President……………………………… Adrienne Valdez, UH-West Oahu

Secretary…………………………………….. Karla Hayashi, UH-Hilo

Treasurer…………………………………….. Ming-Bao Yue, UH-Manoa

The Board of Directors elected J. N. Musto, UHPA Executive Director, as an officer of UHPA.  According
to the Bylaws, his term is for five years without limitation on the
number of terms and he serves as an ex officio member on the Executive
Committee and Board of Directors without vote.

To serve on the Executive Committee, the President, Vice
President, Secretary, and Treasurer needed to be elected by the Board
of Directors.  Since the Executive Committee consists of
seven Directors elected annually from among the Board Directors, three
at-large positions needed to be filled.  As a result of these elections, the UHPA Executive Committee members for 2008-2009 are:

President………………………………. Joseph J. Chernisky, Leeward CC

Vice President…………………….. Adrienne Valdez, UH-West Oahu

Secretary…………………………….. Karla Hayashi, UH-Hilo

Treasurer…………………………….. Ming-Bao Yue, UH-Manoa

At Large………………………………… Brenda Cartwright, UH-Manoa

At Large………………………………… Richard Nettell, UH-Manoa

At Large………………………………… Nandita Sharma, UH-Manoa



Due to the increase in travel costs, a motion was made to
give exception to the current NEA Representative Assembly delegate
stipend policy, which would allow six additional people to be able to
receive up to the $800 stipend pursuant to the stipulations of the
policy should they attend the NEA RA meeting in Washington, DC
.  Discussion
indicated that this issue was after the fact and it would not be fair
for those who may have considered being a delegate.  The motion did not pass.



President Joseph Chernisky referred Directors to his annual report, which may be viewed online at



Associate Executive Director Jim Kardash informed Directors
that included on the agenda for the October 25, 2008 Faculty Forum will
be representatives from the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) and the
2010 Constitutional Convention will be a topic for discussion.



Executive Director and Chief Negotiator J. N. Musto informed
Directors that formal negotiations for Bargaining Unit 7 will be held
on Friday, May 23, 2008.  He offered UHPA as a place to meet.  UH
President McClain has informed him that all communications regarding
collective bargaining should be directed to Vice President Sam Callejo.



Directors reviewed the proposal and then unanimously passed a motion to approve the “Charge to Chief Negotiator” dated May 10, 2008.



In their review of the proposed Charter for the CBC, Directors
approved an amendment to paragraph two, Appointment and Term of the
Committee.  Directors passed the motion to approve the Charter for the Collective Bargaining Committee dated May 10, 2008 as amended.  To view the CBC Charter, go to



Directors passed the motion to confirm the appointment of Karla Hayashi (UH-Hilo) as the Chair of the Collective Bargaining Committee.

Directors unanimously passed the motion to confirm the appointments of Joshua Cooper (Maui CC), James De Ste Croix (Leeward CC), David Duffy (UH-Manoa), Earl Hishinuma (UH-Manoa), Richard Morris (UH-Hilo), Richard Nettell (UH-Manoa), Derek Oshiro (Honolulu CC), Mark Rognstad (UH-Manoa), Sharon Rowe (Kapiolani CC), Glenn Teves (UH-Manoa), and James Tiles (UH-Manoa) as members of the Collective Bargaining Committee.


Directors met in Executive Session for about one and one-half hours on the matter of negotiations.  Directors passed a motion to approve the action taken during Executive Session.



Directors unanimously passed a motion to have the next Board of Directors meeting on Saturday, June 7, 2008.