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November 2008 Board Notes


Newly–elected Director Dennis Vanairsdale was introduced and welcomed by members of the Board of Directors.  The
amended Bylaws, adopted in April 2008, indicate that an election would
be conducted for a second Director to represent Kapiolani Community
College.  Director Vanairsdale’s term begins immediately and ends on August 31, 2012.


President Joseph Chernisky’s written report included the
action taken by the Executive Committee on October 28 by Conference
Call to approve independent expenditures on behalf of two UHPA endorsed
candidates, Jessica Wooley for House District 47 and Amy Monk for House
District 17.  He expressed his appreciation to the members
of the Interim Nominations and Elections Committee for conducting the
special Kapiolani CC Board election and for finalizing the Nominations
and Elections Charter.  Kudos was given to the Faculty
Forum Committee for a productive forum and to UHPA’s Associate Director
for her work with the Hawaii Alliance.

UHPA Directors Brenda Cartwright, Cathy Chan-Halbrendt, Robert Cooney, Michael Mottl, Robert Paull, Elizabeth Tam and Charles Weems were recognized and congratulated for their research awards.  Additionally, Directors were informed that Collective Bargaining Committee member David Duffy outstandingly generated twenty-eight research awards.


Directors unanimously passed a motion to confirm the appointments of uDexter Choy,
Professor of Travel Industry Management at UH-Manoa, serving the
remainder of a one-year term as the Faculty Representative for PAU 081;
vNathan Murata,
Professor of Kinesiology and Leisure Science at UH-Manoa, serving a
two-year term as the Faculty Representative for PAU 082; and
wScott Robinson, Associate Specialist in Education at UH-Manoa, serving a two-year term as the Faculty Representative for PAU 084.  Their terms begin immediately.  Professor Choy’s term expires on May 31, 2009.  He replaces Juanita Liu, who has been appointed as the Interim Dean for TIM.  Professors Murata and Robinson will serve to May 31, 2010.  Professor Robinson replaces Barbara Landau.


Directors were informed that the old Bylaws included detailed
information regarding the Faculty Representatives and the Faculty Forum.  The
amended Bylaws indicate that the Board shall establish a system of
Faculty Representatives and the Faculty Forum; however, it does not
include the duties and responsibilities, the term of office, etc.  It
was suggested that an advisory committee be established to review
whether or not the system of Faculty Representatives and the Faculty
Forum should continue and to make recommendations if the system needs
to be changed.  After some discussion, Directors unanimously passed a motion to
continue the present practice of the Faculty Representative system and
Faculty Forum meetings and to establish a Faculty Representative
Advisory Committee partially in place prior to the spring 2009 Faculty
Forum, whereby this issue will be discussed by Faculty Representatives,
and that the advisory committee will make recommendations to the Board
of Directors by its April 2009 meeting


At its meeting on October 11, the UHPA Executive Committee
approved the creation of the Investment, Finance, and Audit Committee
(IFAC), an advisory committee of the Board of Directors.  The
IFAC Charter was adopted and amended by Directors at their October 25
Board meeting, which indicates that a Chair would be appointed from
amongst the Directors.  Accordingly, Directors unanimously passed a motion to confirm the appointment of Dennis Vanairsdale of Kapiolani Community College as Chair of the IFAC.  His term begins immediately and will end on August 31, 2009.


The interim Nominations and Elections (N&E) Committee,
consisting of Leticia Colmenares, Sharon Rowe, Nandita Sharma, Duane
Stevens, and Adrienne Valdez, presented Directors with a revised
version of the Charter.  The N&E accepted changes that were recommended.  Directors passed a motion to approve the N&E Charter as amended.

Pursuant to the N&E Charter, five Directors would be elected to serve on the N&E.  Nominated and elected by acclamation to the Nominations and Elections Committee are Brenda Cartwright (UH-Manoa), Leticia Colmenares (Windward CC), Sharon Rowe (Kapiolani CC), Nandita Sharma (UH-Manoa), and Duane Stevens (UH-Manoa).


President Chernisky was contacted by the Martin Luther King,
Jr. Coalition–Hawaii Coalition concerning the 2009 Parade and Rally
scheduled for Monday, January 19, 2009.  Last year, UHPA marched in the parade under the sponsorship of the Hawaii State AFL-CIO.  A
motion was made to participate as an organization; however, the motion
was later withdrawn upon learning that we may march with the AFL-CIO
again.  Directors passed a motion to participate in
the Martin Luther King, Jr. 2009 Parade under the auspices of the
Hawaii State AFL-CIO and to make a $150 contribution to help support
the Martin Luther King Jr. Coalition–Hawaii


Directors requested the Executive Director to elaborate more with reference to his written report about negotiations.  He has been and will continue to have informal discussions with the UH and State representatives.  Directors were informed that hopefully by the Christmas holiday UHPA will know one way or another which route will be taken.  Regular updates can be found on the UHPA website at


After the adjournment of the Board
meeting, Directors remained to hear the presentation given by Dr. Carl
Bonham, Associate Professor of Economy at UH-Manoa and the Executive
Director of the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization
(UHERO), regarding the global economic forecast.  For information about UHERO and their economic research, go to


Wishing you a joyous season filled with laughter, good health, great friends, a kind heart and much peace.

From the staff and Board of Directors of the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly