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It has come to the Union’s attention that some Deans have sent out a communication to all their UH employees, non faculty and faculty members alike, regarding “furlough days”.  The Union was not copied.  Since the 2009-2015 Agreement refers to “administrative leave days”, and not “furlough days” faculty members should know with confidence that the two terms are NOT interchangeable.  Our contract calls for paid administrative leave days.  The language is found in Reference 19, MOU on Administrative Leave and refers to the Employer exercising its rights to grant administrative days of leave with pay for all faculty members for 2010-2011; included are the following days 1) the day after Thanksgiving; 2) four working days preceding Christmas; 3) four working days preceding New Year’s Day; and 4) four working days preceding Kuhio Day.


Note that “If a Faculty Member’s duties require that he or she work during one of the administrative leave days, then the Faculty Member shall receive a comparable leave day with the concurrence of his or her supervisor.  Such alternate leave days shall not include days in which a Faculty Member is scheduled to teach a class.”